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Posted by Warday (Member # 408) on June 04, 2004, 10:29 PM:
Read about this band on the internet and low and behold they where playing in two days about 20 miles from where I live.

Decided to grab my girl and go see these guys. All I can say is they kicked our asses. I appreciate the effort these guys put out to make sure we had a good time.

These guys are pro's and know how to play. Thanks guys and come back to central Cal soon, There are two new Punks fans here that can't wait to spend another evening listening to the good stuff. The first round will be on me!

Keep rocking Punks!

War & Bre
Posted by Overdose138 (Member # 311) on June 23, 2004, 09:58 AM:
I've been all the way out there a couple times to see them. It's actually a pretty cool little bar.

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